Respect for people and the environment is at the heart of our business. Our aim is to run our business in a way that favours sustainable growth. We want to ensure that our suppliers and their sub-suppliers also run sustainable businesses.

Our Code of Conduct summarizes the ethical values that will apply in relation to all our suppliers. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to ensure that all businesses that directly or indirectly supply goods and services to Remmarlöv Gårdsbryggeri AB, work according to internationally recognized minimum standards for human rights, labour and environment. Remmarlöv Gårdsbryggeri AB follows the principles in this Code and we expect the same from our suppliers, who are likewise responsible for ensuring that none of their sub-suppliers breach the standards in this Code of Conduct. 

The Code is based on the United Nations’ Global Compact and the ILO’s core conventions. 


Laws and Regulations

The supplier will, in its business, have knowledge about, and as a minimum requirement, follow current national and international laws, regulations and directives that are applicable in the countries where they run their businesses, as well as possess all the necessary authorization, licences and registrations for those businesses.

The supplier will always fulfill the highest requirements arising from either applicable legislation or this Code of Conduct.

Human Rights

Everyone who directly or indirectly works for the supplier has the right to have their basic human rights met in accordance with the United Nations’ general explanation of those human rights.

Child Labour

The supplier shall follow the United Nations’ convention on child labour, ILO’s convention (number 138) on the minimum age admission to the labour market, as well as the ILO’s convention (number 182) on prohibition and immediate actions to abolish the worst forms of child labour.

No person may be employed under the age of completing obligatory schooling or be under 15 years old. The supplier must have documentation in place that proves the age of every employee. If it is found that one of our suppliers uses child labour, we will request that action be taken to correct the problem, which does not worsen the child’s social situation.

Work Environment

The supplier shall as a minimum requirement follow applicable laws and decisions concerning the work environment and work conditions. The supplier shall provide a safe, hygienic and healthy work environment and working conditions where the employees are protected against exposure to chemical, biological and physical dangers. This includes, but is not limited to, that the following is in place: fire protection, an evacuation plan, safety equipment and safety routines, access to clean toilets and drinking water, adequate accident insurance for all employees, first-aid equipment and that employees are properly instructed to use machines, equipment and chemical substances in a correct and safe manner.

Working conditions

The supplier shall apply working hours and pay salaries and overtime pay at least in accordance with national laws and agreements, or in accordance with the norms within the local industry. The supplier shall at least offer its employees all statutory benefits including pension and holiday rights. Salaries shall be paid regularly, directly to the employee, at an agreed time and in full.

Forced Labour

We do not accept forced, slave, involuntary or unpaid labour in any form. This includes agreements made in coercive conditions and illegal workforce. All work that is performed will be based on a recognized employment in accordance with what is determined by local legislation. The employees shall have the freedom to terminate their employment at any time according to the agreed notice time without penalties or a deduction in salary. We do not accept either any method that limits employees’ free movement and no person shall be retained at work for any time against their will. The supplier shall have in place routines and methods that minimize the risk of all forms of forced labour and human trafficking.

Freedom of Association

Workers have freedom of association on all levels. The supplier shall not prevent workers from joining associations, organizations or negotiating collectively.

Disciplinary Actions

Employees shall be treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall under any conditions be subjected to physical punishment or any other form of physical, sexual or psychological punishment, harassment, constraint or threat. A deduction in salary must not be used as a disciplinary measure, if this is not governed by collective agreements or approved by law. The supplier must not restrict or interfere with the employees’ lawful and peaceful exercise of their rights.


Discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, social background, disability, illness, political opinions, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, or membership of a trade union is unacceptable. 

Anti-corruption and business ethics

We do not accept any form of corruption. The supplier shall run its business in accordance with current legislation on bribery. The supplier must not offer or accept bribes or otherwise seek to exercise any form of inappropriate influence in its business relationships.

Areas of Conflict

The supplier must ensure that no business is carried out in any way that supports war, conflicts, the drug trade or the slave trade. 


We want to contribute to a good environment and a sustainable society for better health. We strive to prevent negative impacts on the environment by always taking into account environmental considerations when making decisions, and we work constantly to minimize our environmental impact from transport, services and products. The supplier shall, through its business, work proactively to minimize its negative environmental impact.

The supplier shall follow applicable environmental legislation in the country where its business is based. The supplier shall comply with applicable regulations concerning air pollution, hazardous waste, discharge of water, chemical storage, waste recycling, and controls for waste disposal.

The supplier should also take reasonable measures to minimize its direct and indirect negative impact on the environment as well as continuously monitoring improvement goals. 

Application and Compliance

The Code of Conduct applies to all suppliers. We reserve the right to perform, either by ourselves or through a designated third party, audits or an inspection at our own cost, and with reasonable notice to check compliance with the requirements specified in this Code of Conduct.  The supplier must keep records of all relevant documents and be able to describe how they comply with our Code of Conduct for suppliers.

If a supplier breaches the Code of Conduct and does not carry out specified improvements within the agreed time period, despite reminders and an agreed action plan, we will terminate our business relationship with the supplier. Such measures do not preclude us from initiating a legal process.